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What's on this page?


Here, you can access and download Dr. Steadman's policies and procedures for his practice at Chattanooga Peds. Consent documents must be signed and dated before Dr. Steadman can provide any services. If you are unsure or have questions about the documents, please call our office at (423)-825-4040. Please do not send us forms without first scheduling an appointment. Our office can provide instructions about where to send the forms once you've completed them.

Policies & Procedures

Informed consent

Please click the link above to access Dr. Steadman's Policies & Procedures Document. Please read and retain a copy of the document for your records. 


Once you have reviewed the document, please click here to download a signature page, which you can then sign to indicate you have read and agreed to policies and procedures as outlined.


These documents are current as of 1/1/2024.

Documents are likely to be updated annually.


Please click here to access Telehealth forms. Before engaging in any form of telehealth, you MUST sign this form, in addition to standard policies & procedures form above


To read more about telehealth procedures, you can also see my COVID-19 page.

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